Rhinoplasty: Creating facial harmony

Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Shirley Hu combines advanced surgical techniques with her keen aesthetic eye to sculpt a nose that is balanced, natural, and personalized to you.

Patients seek out Dr. Hu to address all of the following:

Nasal hump

Overly large nose

Crooked nose

Collapsed tip

Droopy tip

Bulbous tip


Trouble breathing

Deviated septum

What is a rhinoplasty?

The nose, located centrally in the face, contributes substantially to the overall harmony and balance of the face. When the nose is too big, too long, or has other aesthetic imperfections, it can significantly distract from a beautiful smile or the attractiveness of the eyes.

A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the bridge, tip, and/or nostrils, harmonizing the features for a more natural, aesthetically pleasing appearance. The goal of a cosmetic rhinoplasty is to refine and reshape the nose so that it complements a patient’s face and doesn’t draw unwanted attention. A rhinoplasty can not only improve the appearance of the nose but can also correct breathing issues that may be interfering with daily activities and restful sleep. This is known as a functional rhinoplasty. Often, both cosmetic and reconstructive issues are addressed during surgery. 

The procedure also has one of the highest satisfaction rates among all cosmetic surgeries, thanks to its ability to increase quality of life.

Dr. Hu is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has performed hundreds of beautiful rhinoplasties for clients of all ages and backgrounds. From ethnic rhinoplasty to revision rhinoplasty, Dr. Hu’s keen sense of aesthetics and flawless technique ensure consistently natural results that you will enjoy for years to come.

You may be a candidate for rhinoplasty if…

  • You are unhappy with the shape, size, or projection of your nose

  • You are interested in refining the nasal tip, bridge, or nostrils

  • Your nose doesn’t suit your face

  • You have trouble breathing through your nose

  • Your nose has already finished growing

  • You are physically and mentally healthy

  • You do not have any major medical concerns

  • You are a non-smoker, or you are willing to quit for around 4-6 weeks before and after surgery

  • You are undergoing rhinoplasty to please yourself and not others

  • You have a positive, open-minded attitude towards your surgery with realistic expectations

  • You have at least one week to recover

  • You are willing to follow Dr. Hu’s instructions

What is Dr. Hu’s approach to rhinoplasty?

Dr. Hu’s goal is to provide the aesthetic changes to your nose that you desire. This may mean a very natural, nuanced look or a more stylized appearance. Regardless, she has an in-depth understanding of the key role the nose plays in balancing your facial features, and she will sculpt a nose that is customized to you.

Dr. Hu is a classically trained sculptor, which allows her to appreciate subtle nuances in form and function that are key to achieving masterful rhinoplasty results. She has an excellent sense of aesthetics and brings this expertise to the techniques she employs, making sure to remove and add just the right amount to different aspects of the nose in order to achieve the ultimate refinement. She treats every nose as a piece of invaluable art. Additionally, with Dr. Hu, your rhinoplasty is performed precisely and naturally the first time around, avoiding costly revision procedures.

How can I choose the right plastic surgeon?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires the utmost precision, delicacy, and artistry. It’s imperative that you choose a surgeon with a rigorous training background, impeccable credentials, and a bedside manner that is respectful, transparent, and considerate. While undergoing an in-depth consultation is the best way to evaluate a potential plastic surgeon, you will also need to do your homework, researching the doctor’s testimonials, reviews, before and after photos, and online reputation. Below are 3 of the top factors to be aware of when choosing the right plastic surgeon for you.


Rhinoplasty should be performed by a specialist who is credentialed through the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This ensures that they completed the rigorous training and examinations to become an expert in their field. Surgeons who are double board-certified in Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and facial plastic surgery offer an even more refined approach, since their only focus is the region of the face and neck.


A surgeon who has performed hundreds of rhinoplasties has the experience necessary to ensure your safety throughout the procedure and deliver the results you are expecting. You should not undergo complex facial surgery with someone whose main focus is breast augmentation, for instance. Furthermore, if you are African-American, Hispanic/Latinx, Middle Eastern, or Asian, you want to ensure your surgeon has experience performing non-Caucasian rhinoplasties with results that preserve your unique cultural heritage.


You want to examine your surgeon’s portfolio, focusing on outcomes achieved for previous patients who had similar desires and goals to yours. You should also explore your surgeon’s reviews. While most plastic surgeons strive to underpromise and overdeliver, you want to make sure that your rhinoplasty surgeon has a track record for balanced, elegant, personalized outcomes that align with your aesthetic views.

How It Works

  • Dr. Hu will begin your consultation by listening to your concerns about your nose and discussing the results you would like to achieve.

    She always takes care to thoroughly explain the different areas of the nose and how to implement the desired changes using specific surgical techniques.

    The consultation process is an indispensable time for doctor and patient to get to know each other better and ensure they are a good fit. Clients find that Dr. Hu is able to immediately set them at ease with her warm, patient demeanor and excellent listening abilities. Dr. Hu treats every client as an equal partner and strives to keep an open, transparent dialogue. She takes all the time necessary to answer your questions regarding the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty, its recovery, and what you can expect in terms of your final results. You are always welcome to bring in your own images that reflect your hopes for transformation. Dr. Hu’s penultimate goal is to give you results that make you happy, and she will go to great lengths to achieve that. 

  • Next, Dr. Hu will take a comprehensive health history and perform a complete examination of your nose, both inside and out. She will determine if there are any structural issues interfering with breathing or contributing to external abnormalities. She may also recommend additional procedures, such as ear cartilage grafting, if there is not enough septal cartilage to work with. Using this information, Dr. Hu will create a tailored plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

    Additionally, we can show you the potential results of these surgical techniques with our specialized imaging software! This allows us to promote an open dialogue as we progress to the next steps.

  • Finally, Dr. Hu and her clinical team will discuss the details of the surgery, pricing, how to plan for it, and what to expect after.

    Dr. Hu and her staff will also discuss the role of insurance if you have breathing issues, such as a deviated septum or valve collapse. Some insurance plans will cover these functional problems.

    Your surgical plan will be prepared by Dr. Hu prior to your surgery date, and you will be able to approve it personally.

    Several prescription medications, including an antibiotic and a pain pill, will also be sent to your pharmacy.

    Rhinoplasty is performed on-site in a state-of-the-art private operating suite at AIREM. Sedation is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist, and the procedure will take around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity and if this is a primary or revision procedure. Often, a small incision is made at the base of the nose. This heals beautifully and imperceptibly in 99% of patients. Following the procedure, you will recover in a private room for a few hours. Once you are awake enough, a family member or friend can escort you from the facility back home. For the first 24 hours following surgery, it is recommended that someone be available to take care of you.

What is the difference between closed and open rhinoplasty?

There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. Dr. Hu will choose the technique that is most appropriate for your unique treatment plan. During open rhinoplasty, an incision is made at the base of the nose through the columella. This allows Dr. Hu to access the internal structures of the nose in order to reshape the bone and cartilage, straighten the septum, and refine the tip, bridge, and nostrils. The scar heals beautifully and inconspicuously, and you cannot tell there was ever an incision there after healing is complete.

During closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made within the nostrils and thus invisible. For clients concerned about scarring, this approach is ideal. However, the changes that can be made are more limited. Minor imperfections in the bridge and tip can be successfully addressed through this method. Significant asymmetry and revision procedures will often require an open approach. Regardless, Dr. Hu works to preserve nasal breathing and structural support while providing a seamless, customized outcome aligned to your aesthetic goals. 

Recovery Process

Most patients who undergo rhinoplasty surgery should plan to take at least one week off. While rhinoplasty is not a particularly painful procedure, the early stages of recovery are uncomfortable due to swelling causing a stuffy nose. You must refrain from blowing your nose and sneeze with an open mouth during the first two weeks of recovery. In addition, you will have tape and a cast over your nose during this time, and there may be light bruising underneath the eyes. Once this week is over, patients are able to return to their daily routines and be in public without anyone knowing what was done. Comments that are routinely made include, “Did you lose weight”, or “You look so refreshed.”

  • After a rhinoplasty, you will wake up from anesthesia with the nose protected with a splint and bandages. The alterations will not yet be visible.

  • You will need to arrange a friend or family member to drive you home and stay with you as support for the first 24 hours. Keep your head elevated at 30 degrees, including during sleep, do not engage in any activity that may increase pressure in the face, and limit motion to just gentle, slow walks.

  • For the first few days, we recommend relaxing as much as possible. Take this time to apply ice to your eyes.

    You will fill the post-operative prescription for pain medication before surgery, but a majority of our patients tell us that extra-strength Tylenol works just fine to control the discomfort.

    If working from home is a possibility, patients usually feel well enough to do so after day 3. You may want to keep the Zoom camera off, since the cast will still be on.

  • Continue to work from home during this time. Swelling and very slight bruising may persist, but will begin to go down significantly towards day 7.

  • This is the big day! The cast comes off, along with any sutures, and you’ll see an immediate difference in the shape of your nose. The nose will still be significantly swollen at this point. You may notice a residual hump (if you had one shaved down), tip fullness and/or lifting, and the columella (bottom part of your nose) dipping downward. This is all normal and will start to improve in the following weeks.

    During this visit, the nose is also carefully cleaned and suctioned internally.

    By this time, most of the swelling and/or bruising in the face will be gone. There may be a small amount of yellowing underneath the eyes, but this is easily covered with cosmetics.

  • By the end of the second month after surgery, 80% of the swelling will have gone away. The remainder can take up to one year to completely dissipate and is noticeable only to you. You will continue to see refinements as time goes on.

Rhinoplasty is among the most customized and technically complex procedures that Dr. Hu performs. Each person will require a different degree of nasal refinement, and some will need a more complex approach involving techniques such as cartilage grafting. In addition to the Dr. Hu’s fee, there will be a separate cost for anesthesia and for use of the facility. Given this, pricing will vary from client to client. The average all-inclusive cost of the best rhinoplasty in NYC is anywhere from $9,000 to $25,000. Please refer to the infographic for more information.

What is the cost of rhinoplasty in New York?

Why choose Dr. Hu?

Dr. Hu has the essential combination of skill, experience, artistry, and compassion to make her one of the most trusted rhinoplasty experts in New York. Your rhinoplasty results are customized to reflect your unique aesthetic tastes and wishes for improvement. From beginning to end, Dr. Hu empowers each client with the knowledge and information they need to make an informed decision about their surgery.

Dr. Hu is double board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and has been delivering outstanding client care for 7 years. She has received numerous awards and honors, including:

  • Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society Member 2015-present

  • Castle Connolly Regional Top Doctor 2021-2022


  • Most patients are pleased that recovery turns out to be less painful than expected. However, pressure, headache, and tenderness are common. The most frequently reported side effect is that the nose swelling restricts breathing, making the nose feel “stuffy.”

  • Never blow your nose after a rhinoplasty, as this can damage the delicate work performed by your plastic surgeon, and result in complications, such as bleeding. It is normal to experience some discharge, which can be addressed by dabbing with a piece of gauze or tissue paper.

  • Health insurance does not pay for cosmetic changes to the nose but may pay for a portion of surgery to resolve functional breathing problems, such as a crooked nose or deviated septum. Dr. Hu works with insurance companies on an out-of-network basis. Her office staff would be happy to check your benefits for you.

  • In the early stages of recovery, only very gentle exercise, such as light walks, should be performed. As your nose heals, you will be able to do more and more, but you must follow your surgeon’s orders before engaging in sports, vigorous exercise, running, or jogging.

  • During your consultation, you can discuss the aspects of your nose you want to change and review other patients’ results. Dr. Hu also performs image simulation, which will give you an idea of what the surgical outcome will be. She believes that image morphing is key to understanding if a particular nose will suit your face. She keeps an open dialogue with you at all times in order to achieve your specific aesthetic goals.