Buccal Fat Reduction

The buccal fat pad is a discrete area of the front and lower portion of your cheeks that can contribute to fullness of the lower third of the face and so-called “chipmunk cheeks”. Everyone has buccal fat, but some have it more than others. It’s an area that unfortunately is not responsive to weight loss and can be genetic. By reducing the buccal fat, more definition is created in the face by casting a shadow across the hollows of cheeks, essentially mimicking the effect that puckering the lips can have.

Patients seek out Dr. Hu to address the following:

Wide lower third of the face

Chubby cheeks

Poorly defined jawline

How It Works

  • Dr. Hu will begin your consultation by listening to your concerns about your face and discussing the results you would like to achieve.

    She always takes care to thoroughly explain the different thirds of the face and how to implement the desired changes using specific surgical techniques.

  • Next, Dr. Hu will take a full health history and perform a complete examination of your face. With this information, Dr. Hu will create a tailored plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

    Additionally, we can show you the potential results of these surgical techniques with our specialized imaging software! This allows us to promote an open dialogue as we progress to the next steps.

  • Finally, Dr. Hu and her clinical team will discuss the details of the surgery, pricing, how to plan for it, and what to expect after.

    Buccal fat reduction performed on-site in a state-of-the-art private operating suite at AIREM. The procedure takes just 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia only, so you will be awake. You will be able to go home immediately afterward.

Recovery Process

  • Immediately following the procedure, you may notice mild swelling in the area of the cheeks where the buccal fat was removed. This will be more obvious on the inside rather than outside of the face. You will have stitches placed inside the cheeks that dissolve over time on their own. You can start a regular diet as tolerated, but you should avoid anything that is too hot in temperature or has sharp edges, such as crackers or chips.

  • At your one week appointment, all sutures will be removed.

  • During this time, you will experience persistent swelling and firmness on the inside of your cheek where the fat was removed. This will continue to improve. By week 4, your chiseled cheekbones should be fully visible.


Facial Fat Grafting


Lip Rejuvenation